Local radio guy said we've had snow on the ground since early November. I know I've blown the driveway more than I have for quite a few years, and gone through more wood than normal for this time of year. Thankfully, we have modern tools that make quick work of snowfalls. This week we got around a foot of snow and when I left for work in my two wheel drive truck I had to do a lot of back and forth. In the end I got too close to a tree where I park and decided to take the wife's 4x4 Ram before I was up against the tree. She didn't have to work that day and I had cleared it with her the night before if it was necessary. When I got home after work my daughter had made up her mind to go out in her car and got stuck right in front of the garage where the tractor is kept. So right off the bat the three of us were out shoveling and pushing to move her car. A few passes with the snowblower later I was able to hook a chain up to the front of my truck and pull it out. Finished most of the driveway that night but left some because of the wind. That's what I was finishing up today. As I get older I hate winter more and more. At 59 I've seen enough to know I don't like it anymore one bit. I look upon it as several stolen months out of my life every year from being able to do things outside without having to be bundled up from the cold. When I'm not doing the daily chores in the summer one of the things I love is to sit in the lawn chair listening to talk radio and just looking and listening at the beauty of nature. The good news is it's past the middle of Feb. and the days are getting longer. Soon I'll actually be able to see melting going on and the snow going down instead of up. And the Siberian loves this weather. Most nights she doesn't want to come inside, preferring to be in the dog house on top of the old comforters even on the coldest nights. I guess that's my rant for the month about the winter. If we get another round of storms and I get stuck again you're all going to hear about it! Now lets all concentrate and get spring happening. Time's a wastin'.
Beautiful pup. For sure wasn't ready for winter this year......my fault, but dang the snow can just stop any old time (it did this morning).
I love that pooch. I could take some of that snow here. We have had snow on the ground several times but only one storm that I really needed the snow blower. I do like the longer nights and we will be turning the clocks soon. I will be able to cut some after work then.
I don't mind the snow, but we've had like 16% sunshine from November on, that gets old. The constant freeze & thaw thing is making it really tough to get stuff done. Can't skid logs when I need to etc. Oh well, maybe we'll have a nice dry Spring.
Below average snow fall here which I can’t complain about because I’ve also come to hate winter in only 37 years. Nice looking property you got there. Great looking dog. Is your husky off leash? I have and have known many people with huskys and not one of them could be left off the leash or they would disappear.
We've never tied our dogs out here. One of the local farmers stopped by one day to praise them for killing groundhogs. He said the cows would get their legs caught in their holes and break their legs. They wander but they always come back. I've heard of people stealing dogs like her and she probably would get in a strangers car but no problems so far.
Beautiful pics. ( Especially of the dog. ) Hang in there man. Spring is on its way! Then summer will come and a lot of us south of you will be complaining about how hot and humid it is and will be dreaming of crisp Fall days when we can get our wood stoves going again.
I hear you Chris F, I had to be at the shop on Wednesday morning so I was out shoveling another 7" of fresh snow at 3:30 in the morning. We still live to close to neighbours so I was being considerate to them and my family by not running my snowblower at that time of day. We have received almost as much as you down here in southern Ontario but we have been lucky enough to have some warm weather between the snow storms that knocks back the snow banks. On a different perspective, I have family just down the valley from you in Renfrew. My brother has been enjoy this year as he does snow removal and has been kept pretty busy and making money this winter. Also, my cousin bought himself a new snowmobile last fall and he has already put over 4000 miles on it. He was up by your place yesterday riding up to rottiman's neck of the woods.
Great picture of the dog.... Looks like he's in his peaceful spot... As far as winter goes... I'm getting close, but I've been enjoying it so far. We were on a snow drought for the last 5 years. This year we've gotten about 23" so far. And have another one on its way on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning....
Hello from Grey county Ontario near Dundalk. I like your pictures of the snow and also of your wood storage shed. I am amazed there is no snow on the wood so you must in be in a protected area.I know here we have had snow and rain and back to snow.It seems to blow shortly after snowing and I have snow even in my wood shed which is closed off and also houses my chickens & geese. What you say about the 3 months every year where you cannot do much out side is true.I how ever lived 14 years down in the Atlanta area and trust me it is also no fun waking up in the months of June,July August& Sept to close to 80 degrees and by 11am into the 90s with high humidity to the point your shirt is damp and your running for shade or back in the house for cool air. Up here we use the furnace/wood stove 6-7 months but down there between the furnace & air conditioner it seems to run 11 months. That is my input on this and I hope spring comes sooner or if nothing else ether it stays cool so I do not have to deal with a yard full of ice. Great looking puppy enjoying the snow.
I hear you about liking the winter less and less. It happened to me maybe a little later than it did you. Used to love winter and cold but not so much any more. Still, I think about the awful humid weather we've had especially over the last 20 years and it makes the winter not so hard to take. But, thankfully, in winter I can come inside to get warm and in summer I can come inside to get cool. It makes things a bit better. But if I had my druthers, I druther live in a less humid area. Funny that I was dreaming last night that I was back in the north country and it was -30 with deep snow. I loved it in the dream but not sure I'd love it in real time now.
We don’t get much snow here and it usually just lasts a day or two when it does visit . I spent 30 years on the local volunteer fire department and all it meant was chaining the trucks, chimney fires and car wrecks. Lots of rain here though. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I hear you about the winter, but it must be easier to handle with good equipment, a beautiful place, and that absolutely gorgeous dog!
It's funny how we're all "wired from the factory". I see all that snow and I'm envious. I dream of days like you have pictured when it's 90 and humid and I'm sweating my tail off doing yard work: "Just think....in a few months, you'll be bundled up and behind the snowblower and loving it." It's all relative I suppose. My wife and I can't get enough of winter...skiing, snowmobiling and just enjoying being outside.
Supposedly we are 2% cooler than last year so far by degree days. We had a really long Fall and Winter seemed to come and go. So far we haven't had much snow but that can change any day now. I got new snowshoes a year ago so of course they won't get used unless I go for a long drive north.
Chris F , the pics are just what I need right now as I'm sitting at work in a 8 story building of steel and concrete. I have a 30" screen on my computer (like a tv) so your snow pics and Beautiful dog have just given me a pick me up, and reminded me what I'm working for. Thank you! I also am 59 and I love winter and love the snow but can get tired of it when it never seems to stop. This year hasn't been bad so far, so we'll see. Like some others, I don't deal with heat and humidity well, so summer is not my favorite. Pat that pup for me buddy!
Meh. I am a winter weather fan! Bring it on. Winter was MIA until late January so I hope that this can last thru the end of February. Last four or five years it's winter sorta packs up in late February
Ooooooh, goody. I'm counting the days. No, seriously. Been watching the Accuweather long term forecast (for what it's worth) hoping for warmer temps to get rid of the snow. The reality of it all is that there's still about 3 months (here) of temps cool/cold enough for a fire.