My splitting/stacking area is within an extension cord reach of an outlet, and I need to play some after-dark catchup. What task light would you recommend? Durable, quality stand to get the light above shoulder high, and LED for safety when I use it indoors. Thanks, David
I'm sure this isnt what your looking for, but since no one else mentioned this, I will throw this out there. I bought and really like this light. It's essentially a shop light for your head and lights everywhere you go. Plus its cheaper than other lights. The battery charger port on mine broke after a year of daily use, but I solved that with an 8 dollar charger.
I just got a craftsman 53tk dual work light, it's halogen not led but works good, really lights up your work area. And that's with one on low and one on high.
Good ideas. Cheap is good but I do work on cars and having a set like Redneckchevy is kind of a good investment. I have a couple of headlamps, and will always wear one in addition to the task lighting. All that said, I do like the idea of the clamp-on lights with LED floodlights.
Speaking of working on cars. One of the best things I did for lighting was to take a LED shop light and a ratchet strap and strap it to the underside of the hood. That lit up everything. Not trying to one-up anyone, you mentioning cars reminded me of that so I thought I would mention it.
I like the nostalgia and romance of 3-4 Coleman lanterns with a short burn barrel going when I’m splitting after dark
Solar LED motion light? You can set these lights (some of them) to steady on. Mount it to a 2 X 4 or post and move it to where you need it.
I have it by default with two LEDs mounted on the back corners of my house. They can pretty much make light up the back yard like day. Whatever you can come up with, if you have two or more lights from different sides with some height it will help to eliminate a lot of the shadowing.
Check out the Milwaukee line of lights. I own several. The rocket stand lights are amazing. Worth every penny, in my opinion.
I've got a snap on, 25 watt led light, bought at costco , puts off super light, and a guy could put it on the ground, or make a stand for it. It really puts out the light and won't break the bank. If they still carry them, i'm guessing maybe 28-30 bucks now. By the way, "Jeff's'' the ''pro'', he's got it set up pretty good.
This might be the only time Ive ever heard "Snap On" and "wont break the bank" in the same paragraph.
I have a nice set of lights like Redneckchevy dual stand goes about 5 or 6 feet. Really gives off alot of light.
It’s also the first time I’ve heard Costco and Snap-On together. I ended up ordering a set of Probuilt dual LEDs on a stand. It should work for the wood chores plus in the garage. Thanks, David