Basement Install with a through wall T. Outside clean out. Could I sweep from roof, top down and then vaccum out through the t from inside? Reason being my chase cleanout cap is a pain to remove and reinstall and then trying to get the cleanout cap off is also a pain as it's got 3 screws (ICC pipe) vs twist off. Yes climbing on the roof isn't as safe as ground. I'm on 3-4 year plan so only need to sweep once a year for piece of mind. Any ash vac (on amazon) will work correct? Or recommend me one. What say you?
I have similar setup, with my T in a window well type deal. I do pull that bottom plug, but mines just friction fit so works simple enough. I then catch chimney contents with a box placed below T. That said, what you are asking should work but I know I’d have a difficult time getting everything sucked out as the T clean out drops down a few inches. Maybe a custom 90’ end for your ash vac could work though. I’m not yet to the 3 year plan so clean a couple to 3 times a winter to be safe. I never have much except on the cap. Happy hoarding. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Agreed with the above on a 90 for the end of your vacuum hose. I use a big shop vac and it has plenty of power to get creosote chunkies and ash. My cap is easy to get to, but I wouldn't hesitate to do it this way and feel good about cleanliness if I had to. Removing the sled and cat is how I brush the tee, plenty of room to get a shop vac hose in there, which I do to get the debris the spot eater leaves on the bottom of the pipe. Can't speak to ash vac brand, as I just use a regular shop vac and clean the filter after use. Obviously on a completely cold stove.
One time I tried sweeping from top down, the brush got stuck, I pulled hard on the cleaning rod and dang near fell off the roof. That was the end of top-down cleaning. Is there any way you can modify the cleanout caps?