Wow.. I’m a Locust lover, but I just burned some Sugar Maple last night and holy smokes. Hot! Hot! Hot! I knew it would burn good after processing it. Probably the heaviest wood I’ve ever had to deal with. I’ve never scrounged any Oak yet, but if I can get more of this, I’ll be content
Sugar maple is our rocket fuel of choice here. Not a lot of black locust or red oak left, and white oak doesn't come this far west in MA. sugar maple though is everywhere, and burns as hot as red oak - though maybe not as long, as Savage mentioned. -edit- If one is not yet on the three year plan, it will also dry a lot faster than red oak in my experience.
I had 2 big sugar maples get up rooted 3 years ago. That was the first time I cut sugar maple. Just started burning this year and I’m very happy with it. Awesome heat and coals great. It’s not as good as oak or locust but it’s really close. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'd love to have some sugar maple but there's none on my place to cut. It does grow here, just none on my land. I've enjoyed it at the in-laws in Columbia County, NY., it makes a great fire.