Redoing my stove chimney, was going to double wall it and see if I can find some sort of insulation. If I can get any insulation I'll be golden. Otherwise I'll figure something out with that cheap stove pipe and triple wall it. That should be plenty. Heavy 6" inside, cheap stuff outside of that, I'll buy a few and tack together what I need to, with air gap, and 8" outside. Anyone got any ideas? It's an own. 5' worth of pipe. Double wall with out insulation might be enough but I'd rather have something else if anyone has any decent ideas on something cost effective to put in between.
You have 5 entire feet of pipe. Um....
Well, that's clear as mud! It is hard to understand your intentions from the post. At least it is for me. Are you replacing the pipe on your OWB? If so, I would go with what moresnow suggested as it is designed for outdoor climate.
Sorry guys, after rereading that I can see the confusion. I have to cut off the old pipe on my own as it's pretty much rotted on, and already have a 6" pipe to go on 3/16" wall. Then a 8"pipe to go on the outside, plus cap the top. Was looking for ideas on insulation to stuff between the 2 to help from kreosote building up and choking it off. It's a forced air system, no natural draft. My wood is all split and seasoned for at least 18 months. I wasn't able to find any so I bought a 7" (cheap) stove pipe to put between the 2 to aid in keeping flu temps up. So I now have a Triple wall pipe essentially.