I now live in mosquito hatch territory, my last home rarely had mosquitos, but I need some control here. They are thick for several weeks out of the short summer we have here, the are on the screen when I open it to let the dogs in and out. What can you suggest I try?
Make them wipe their feet. They have no shoes, so they get confused. During this confusion is your opportunity to get the pups in and out. If any of said pups have a really full bladder, the timing will be thrown off.
I just remembered Permethrin. I lived in Central Africa for a number of years, and we used mosquito nets treated with the stuff to prevent Malaria. Look it up on Amazon, I see it is for sale there. It should kill the mosquitos on contact (when they land on the screen). It is also a repellant. Greg
Thank you, on order I bought a jug with a pump spray, that way I can spray the screens, and DH can spray other places where the sqeeters congregate. Thanks!
PS, we are currently persuing prices on a liner for our galvanized cistern. It is in the ground, VERY old galvanized steel.
Well, I was a bush pilot, hence the forum name. Specifically a missionary pilot / mechanic with Mission Aviation Fellowship in Zaire and The Congo. Lived there for the better part of 20 years, Greg
Wildwest, You got the right stuff for the Minnesota State Bird (mosquito). Just don't get carried away with it. Especially with the little ones around. Bushpilot, When I get back to Spokane to see old friends, I am going to look you up. Bushpilot in the Congo and Zaire. I would love to hear about the experiences. That my friend is putting your faith into action. Lead on!!
There are contraptions that use propane that are well known to clear areas of mosquitoes. Some use power, others not. they are pricey but for short season area, They can be valuable, making the difference in your being able to be outside and enjoy your short season. Now with mosquitoes carrying disease, and with the little ones around, it may become much more important.
I have not seen these in action, but I have heard of them. It would be cool to get a firsthand report from someone. Greg
Replace it with plastic and keep it out of the sun, and it will easily outlast you, and probably your next of kin. Greg