I am thinking of repairing this 026 stihl, pictures of how I got it, and now cleaned up and partially torn apart. It had a muffler bolt fall out, and got caught in the exhaust port. It is going to need a muffler, sprocket cover which I hope to find used Stihl parts for them, and it will need the top end rebuilt. I cleaned up the cylinder but not shure if it will be acceptable, I sanded where the mark is just above the exhaust port and it smoothed out well but the plating is now gone where the mark is. I know there is some saw builders on here and would like to get opinions if it's ok to reuse the cylinder as it is oem, if so I would get a meteor piston and caber rings, if it is not useable I would just get a farmer tech/ Hutzl top end kit.
Is that one pic of the exhaust after clean-up? Anything raised or uneven up there would be bad. You could grind away at it but you would need to know what you’re doing. A used OEM jug and Meteor piston would be my vote if it can’t be fixed. Missing plating above the exhaust is bad.
Hard to really tell from pics. First I'd file the threads off the top and side of the piston so there are no high spots. And make sure the rings slide freely in their grooves. Put the ring in the bore and push it up with the piston. Close your eyes and push it up over the affected exhaust area and see if you feel anything. With your eyes closed, you'll notice spots that feel "different". Then I'd put the ring right on the spot and with a flashlight look for a glint of light coming through. That should tell you if you still have a high spot. And then in 10 years when it finally fails I'd install a new or used OEM kit. Meteor pistons are good, but that jug will still run better than a meteor
If you want it right, here's a new oem piston and cylinder for about $130 shipped SELLING - Stihl 026 Assorted OEM Parts
Question.. The cylinder & piston issues have been addressed. What about the connecting rod & crankshaft. I'd think those would be sketchy as well at this point. Issue or non-issue?
Only way to tell is close inspection of both... Good point, Chaz. I had a 290 in that met a sudden death. A crank lobe was cracked! First time I had seen that lol.
Piston is scrap, as it has the top ring groove damaged some, the mark in the cylinder is after sanding to take the high spot out, but I will try the ring in it to be shure, the crank is still in good shape. I have a 261, 260, and 024 so this will be saw #4 and it will not get a lot of use. Where the plating is sanded off to get rid of the high spot, it extends about 1/8" above the exhaust port.
Hey I would have to check to be sure in shed but I am pretty sure I have the parts you need I have 6 or 7 of those in shed for parts but shipping might be to expensive ?? let me know and I will see what I have JB
Yes let me know Jb Sawman, if shipping isn't to bad I would like to try to keep everything oem, I can send you a message with shipping address if you want.