I inherited a pile of parts that was once an 011avt. Trying to get it running but I have to reconnect the throttle cable on the carb but cannot see how exactly it goes and cannot find any videos or pics that show this connection up close to see how. If someone has a pic available of the cover off and the carb connected I would appreciate it. Chris
4th hole from H-L screw side. (Trigger is depressed) Now, 011 and 011AVT cables are different lengths. 011 doesn't work in 011AVT.
Those pics should help out a lot. Thanks. I will have to find out if the cable is correct. I inherited the saw with the carb loose and extra pieces inside the cover rattling around.
New problem. Different carb than the one shown. I have 3 holes for the cable. Spent probably 2 hours trying to get it connected tonight with no luck. Cable connects but can’t get card in place. Get the carb situated and can’t get the cable reattached. I was concentrating so much I didn’t even finish one beer while in the garage tonight. Hopefully more luck tomorrow