Hardcore Splitter - Log Splitting Contest by Hardcore HammersHome Looks like a fun time! I’m going to enter, but there’s no way that I will win. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks like fun. If it were closer (much closer) I’d consider it. I would attend it for sure. Post some pics, or better yet a video. I’ve never heard of hardcore hammer axe’s. Have you practiced with one? What sized logs will be split? Good luck!
I have never seen one of their axes. No idea what type or size wood they are going to use. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Give me lots of coffee, an axe and get outta the way! Dunno which one id take to use though. Some cool looking axes though. Id hafta see the pile of logs i get to choose from. Itd be kinda funny if it was elm, sycamore and gum.. I wouldnt enter of course but would love to watch. I split a face cord of white oak and pignut in under an hour yesterday. If i go BTTW i can mound up splits pretty quick.
No doubt they will tend to use some wood that is not terribly hard to split else not much for entertainment and certainly not fun for the participants.
The Hard Core axe’s are pretty cool looking, but I doubt they split as well as a Fiskars, and at $250 they aren’t cheep! I’m surprised you guys haven’t staged any splitting contest at the GTG’s
We do every year. Just with hydros. Same two ladies kick our butts every time. Then they keep the fire going & help cook as well.