Brined last night. No picture’s because I turn into fumble fingers around a brine bucket. No idea how many pounds. Six racks, not counting the little one on the bottom there. Smoked with maple pretty hard for about 4 hours then slowly finished off with light heat to the desired feel and taste to about 125*. It dries out QUICK, so no big heat jumps. About 10 hours total today. Seems like a good time to start, about 8-ish. I’m mostly color blind but as bright as this was, it must’ve been a good one. After the oak fire is going and has a good coal base add the maple smoke wood. Good smoke temp, before increasing to finish. Keeps moisture and oils in the flesh. Six racks in and ready. Finished. About half of what was done, 12 - 16 oz per bag. I think kids have ESP and know exactly when to pop in. Neighbors too. Had a full 5 gallon bucket, now a 2 1/2 gallon bucket full. Vac before they cool completely and the moisture will pull back into the meat to help from getting too dry. Next weekend, time to start cleaning out the salmon freezer. Told the kid’s and neighbors that gates get locked on salmon weekends. Owl