Do any of you actually buy/use shoulder pellets for the pre-winter season as we have now or do you just use your top of the line stash from day 1 thruout winter... I know some burners don't really think it matters a great deal during this time..
Generally I use shoulder pellets this time of year an save the high octane for mid winter. But this year, oil is my shoulder fuel due to its relatively low cost.
I do not. Same stuff year round. I tried another brand and had clinkers/clumpers, and had my ash pan catch fire---twice----.
For me it all depends on price and whats available. I pretty much had the same pellet all last winter and they where a good pellet at a good price.
Let me clarify-a good shoulder pellet can also be used as an all year pellet. The ones I use fall into that category, but as I burn from the basement up and have 2 floors above, I need all the BTU's I can muster during the cold months. Plus time is short for me especially f having a heavy snow winter, so less cleanings is worth another 20-40 bucks per ton to me. Using LaCrete, I can easily burn 35-45 days without shutting down at all if I wanted to. Right now I am burning some of last year's Corinth here and there to warm the basement on colder nights. 3rd bag went in the hopper last night and I noticed how clean the glass still is and the heat is pretty darn good.
I do, I usually can't find a whole stash of hot stuff and have to ration them. This season I got lucky and only have to use the rest of last seasons stuff. I may still look for shoulder stuff for the springtime to save the sets. That is if the BS drop their prices some?
No kidding...yesterday at HD, they had Inferno Gold and Stove Show for 259/ton. Those need to drop another 20 bucks to be worth buying. Has anyone confirmed who is making the Inferno Gold?
Last time I checked was 2 weeks ago but HD had Chow, Maine Choice, and a couple of others at $259 and Inferno Gold at $299.
I burn MWP/FSU until the temps go below 20, maybe even 15 if it's going to be sunny. Then I'll start using the hi temp stuff. I have used MWP down to -6 before and I know that's all STB burns now.
Hey, I'm not crazy, But some of the people I have to deal with might be! Just a lil bit!! We heard from a pellet rep that said they were currans. Then we got intel that the are Corinths which makes more since. Curran have 100% hardwood-100% softwood and a hardwood blend. Corinth have a softwood blend which is what the Inferno bags state. So................. I'll let you all make the call!
Well, my honey picked up 2 bags and I kept one (gave her a Corinth to swap). So I guess I can see if they look and burn the same as what I am already burning. I just put a bag in the hopper and probably wont be opening another for at least a week...but it will be the Inferno.
shoulder stuff wasn't enough of a price difference to warrant bothering. so i have all of the same this year. i'm using my oil a bit (baselined at 60) for those days when the stove isn't on, and i've been running my electric 'fireplace' tv stand thinggee for a few minuets here and there in the bedroom. oil and power are both cheap this year. i'm going to try to burn less this year i think, i'll keep the stove on as more of a maintainer once the oil pig runs.
I don't specifically get shoulder pellets. But, what I usually burn is crap, or middling stuff anyway. If I do get any super premium pellets, I use them only in the dead of winter. Holding onto my Pres-to's (which is the best of my hoard, except for 1 lonely bag of Vermonts) for the cold weather and using up the left over Curran's right now since those are the worst of what I have at present time.
Some of the NH HD's also have FSU's (which I liked last year). Manch just got some in last week and I think someone said Londonderry has had them all along. Maybe they haven't made their way north yet.
This year has everything turned upside down. Oil and Propane are costing significantly less Pellets and cord wood are costing more Big box pricing (so far) for mid quality is too close to higher quality pellets to warrant buying
Rochester HD had FSU out back a month ago. I didnt look there 2 days ago (just what they had inside the store). IMHO, 259 is too high when Lacrete, Spruce Pointe and Okies are 285-295.
My shoulder pellet this year comes in a tank. Perhaps, depending on the LP pricing in December the tank will also be my dead of winter pellet. As of right now propane from my supplier is about 20 more than pellet equivalent - Not enough to burn pellets now but enough to burn them when it gets winter cold. Just had the LP furnace serviced. As good as it will get with the one I have. Will spend Wednesday taking duct work down and cleaning it then reassembling, sealing, and insulating it. Buddy just moved South and gifted me a slew of Hi R foil faced insulation which I think will insulate the duct work nicely.