Anybody know why these ash trees on the 40 acre spot have shoots growing out the entire trunk? Its weird never seen that many before.
I've heard that it's a defense mechanism by trees under stress from EAB, maybe someone else can confirm.
I have a hickory tree doing the same thing. It's dying off from the top. It's on my list to fell and css.
Dont have any experience with ash trees, but some types of oaks, water oak especially will do that. If you prune limbs back or the heart of the tree dies/gets punky, they will produce a bunch of shoots like that.
Most hardwoods will do that. Can be a result of a damaged/stressed tree, or sometimes happens if a stand is thinned hard (by man or nature), the increased light results in epicormic branching.
Its been infected by the EAB and is trying to survive. I see that on ones that are still alive down here. The one i bucked back in early January had a bunch of them. A couple in my woods as well.
I’ve heard that too. One of the arborists for the city that I work for said it’s a last ditch effort to basically get below the EAB “infection” and start over. Some trees like willow, aspen, cottonwood are so prolific that they will grow shoots from a ground level stump and start over entirely - like Groot!
Those new shoots was one of the first things we noticed when our ash trees became infected. Dang, that was 18 years ago...
The locust i scrounged last month had a stump like that. Maybe 4-5 year old stump stump regrowth of yellow (tulip) poplar from a stump cut in 2011 (pic from Spring)
The stump growth is coppicing, lots of hardwoods do that when the main stem is cut, blown over etc, but the root system is still intact and alive. The shoots on a standing tree, all over the stem, is epicormic branching/sprouting.
Once a lot of sunlight is introduced into a forest it explodes with life. Ive observed this in my woods when a storm blows over a large tree and light is introduce to a shaded area. Vines and saplings come to life. Surrounding trees slowly branch into the void.
Yeah, they were about a hundred bucks more a week or so ago so they must really want to move these things . If you hadn't posted your pic I probably wouldn't have gone and looked. Both are too big for my house unfortunately. They do look nice enough though.