I texted my guy 2 weeks ago about getting a log load. He has given me log loads several times in the past 25 years. Here’s the reply voicemail. “Hi Brian , Marianne from XXXX tree service good morning sir . I am so possibly by the end of next week . We will have approximately 12 logs about 12 feet long . The largest diameter would be 20 inches and be smaller from there . Is that something you might be interested in 2 0 1- ####### thank you bye…” She forgot to say it’s Black Locust. You know what my reply was.
Id be more than happy to help you process it when the time comes. You can check my truck when I leave....even under the seats!
Thanks for the offer. If any of it can be used as saw log we might try to mill it to use for trail bridges. Our local source for milled Black Locust dried up. The guy retired from his ‘retirement gig’.
Very cool walkway, I could use something like that on my land where there is a spring that kind of spreads out and probably 150' or so stays damp to wet to oozing.
If you can get some to buzz-saw's I'm sure he could mill something up. We have run some BL through his mill.
Ya know,,,,if you want to solve your Black Locust slump you could always move to the Vernon/Bolton area. Took a drive through there again yesterday. It’s where I got my first two big locust scores and saw my first locust trees laying on the side of the road (in the wild) so to speak. They’re still laying there LOL. Locust groves all over the place up there.