I got to play outside this past weekend. I started cutting up one of the trees that was already laying down when we moved in. This particular tree was only touching the ground at the end and one other spot. It was laying there long enough that all the bark was gone so I cut a piece and it looked OK and cut and split some more until I got tired. Another 30' or so to go. Pleasant surprise that it was in such good shape. Smelled like red oak so I'm calling it red oak. Hope I uploaded pics properly.
Looks like red to me as well. Nice that the bark was gone too. Nice work Sluggo Pics came through perfect too btw!
Thanks and yes. There are hundreds of beech trees on the property. Mostly small but a handful of large ones. Not sure why they hold on to the dead leaves. I'll get a pic of one of the larger interesting ones that caught my eye when I get back out there.
That's just what beech do. For those who are not sure of beech, this is one more way of telling what the tree is.
Yep, very distinctive. On our drive to Gaylord, there are tons of Beech.....pretty much the only trees with leaves. We have a few on the property as well....same thing.
I grab those all the time. Love finding 'em with all the sapwood rotted off. The heartwood holds up a long time, especially if they're off the ground. I'm gonna take a saw and cut the bark and sapwood off the top of this trunk, in the hope that the rest of the sapwood will rot off quicker. I might then zip the remainder off with a saw before I buck it. Look at the cut end of the round, and if you can see these light-colored "medullary rays," it's Oak, the only wood where they are visible.