Stopped by the little park near my mothers house. In the park is a little foot bridge that my bride and I decorate for mother each Christmas. As a family we donated building it in honor of my dad after he passed away. Just a week ago we gussied it up to welcome in Christmas. Today, after some high winds yesterday it looks like this. It's the same bridge where we got married and in fact the best man and I climbed this tree during the wedding rehearsal. I think the tree is a locust, but I was more interested in looking at the damage to the bridge. Luckily the damage was limited to about half the handrails being destroyed. Good thing is that it looks like the structure is sound still and I see a weekend full of wood cutting. After that I can access what needs to be fixed and gitter done.
schlot some good btus there that the Silver lining but may I humbly suggest you use a saw instead of your bare hands on that locust.. I just think after using your bare hands posting might be a little rough for a few days... Hoping you can get it fixed for your mom by Christmas
That's horrible. Well at least the fallen tree will go to someone that appreciates it. Good luck with everything
Thanks's small in the realm of problems people face...more annoying than anything. I might use a saw....just so it doesn't look like I'm showing off.
I really like the bridge you built and then decorated schlot ... bet your Mom is very relieved it wasn't damaged any worse than it was... Now, you can take it out on that #%^$#& tree... :stacke:
Great that you built the bridge and keep decorating it schlot. Also great that is where you got married. But you say not major damage so that is good plus you get some good firewood. Merry Christmas!
Take your time and enjoy the work while thinking of your Dad Schlot. Garaunteed he will be thinking of and watching you while your taking care of it friend. Beautiful job on that bridge man!
Good deal for some firewood and I'm sure if you built it in the first place it won't be much of a hill for a climber like you to fix that bridge.
Now you guys have me excited to get cutting! Bought a backup chain for my Husky 450. Will sharpen it's chain and my Stihl 170 tonight...after I get the proper nutrition of course.
Some "Action" shots are a must! Before careful down in the "creek"- looks mucky and that makes yucky! That mean old tree obviously didn't know it was gonna tangle with "The Schlot"
Took a better look at the tree this morning. Don't think it's locust...maybe hackberry? No leaves still on the tree
That be hackberry. Sorry to hear about your bridge. If you was closer Ild load up my tools and give ya a hand.