I've been kicking around the idea of buying a pickaroon for awhile now....mulling through this forum has inspired me to build one, as so many other members have....so here goes...... First I needed to find suitable candidates for the "pick" and the "eye" parts of the head....went through the scrap bin and came up with these: I chose the steel wedge in the middle for the pick and the 1.5" tubing for the eye...next, some grinding and cutting: This steel was somewhat tempered so it involved some labor to complete the task....and a few cutting wheels! As you can see, the pick was a bit long so it was cut down to length.... Next, the pick is welded to the tubing which is the "eye" of the head. Now for the handle.....the only wood I had on hand that was thick enough to fit snugly inside the 1 1/4" eye opening was a 1 3/8" thick red oak board....I realize that red oak is a porous wood and not great in outside weather but it had to do....I intend on treating the handle to make it more "weather-proof".. Next to the band saw for roughing out the shape.... ....I've reached the max of 8 pictures so the thread is continued as "Pickaroon build (yes, that's right, another one!)...part 2"
....continued It's on to the vise and assortment of hand tools....mostly rasps....then the belt sander.... The end result.....the handle is secured inside the head with the usual wedge and also added a couple of roll pins for good measure: I've gotten used to signing and dating my work....for posterity I guess...I also like to specify the material used....the head will be painted and the handle treated with some sort of oil to keep it in good shape....thanks for watching brothers and sisters!
That looks very nice. I like to see people take pride in what they make. I would also like to give out a hint for anyone who is trying to "stamp". If you lay out what you want to say all in order making double sure of orientation then stamp backwards it's easier to line up with the previously stamped figure as you can see it straight on.
Thanks Screwloose...here a few pics of the finished product....head painted with trusty ole' Tremclad...handle Tremcladded also with added anti-slip coating.....rest of the handle treated with a few coats of linseed oil...ready to go...almost a shame to put it to work and scratch it all up!....oh well, everything starts out life "new" at one time or another! PS: Screwloose...regarding your tips on stamping...I stamp one letter at a time from left to right....I can see all my letters straight on...not sure how going backwards would help....can you enlighten me on this one....thanks for posting!!........Twister
Excellent work, almost from scratch no less. You can post more pictures in this thread, 8 limit per post. Maybe Moderating can merge your two threads.
That's beautiful, 200 years from now it will be hanging in a antique mall. Stamping backwards.... I hit more accurately with my right hand therefore on left to right my left hand is always in the way blocking the letter/number I just stamped. If I go right to left each previously stamped figure is out in the open and I can judge spacing and alignment. Clear as mud.
Thanks again Screwloose....I get what you're saying now....I think the difference for me is that I whack with my left hand and hold the stamp with my right which is why the previously stamped letter is not blocked and is in full view....although I do find it a bit wonky at times getting everything lined up perfectly on the same "plane"....I'm thinking some sort of "raised" guide, maybe 1/4" thick, to lean each stamp up against would make it easier to line up...Twister
Oh yes a strait edge can be of some help. I've made many boo-boos over the years with stamps. Usually just before I plan on delivering something.
Thank you for the kind words brother Gasifier...in answer to your question, I don't sell any of my work....wouldn't be worth it, really...I 'm a retired 61 year old geezer (that's what my daughter calls me) coasting through life with a very relaxed "schedule"....I just love to make things when the spirit moves me....as the saying goes: " I get up in the morning with nothing to do and by the time I go to bed, I'm half done"....I do get busier in the Spring however with firewood and this coming summer when I resume building a new workshop....thanks for posting....Twister
Thank you for doing that...much appreciated!...next time I'll post surplus pics in a separate reply....Twister
Nice job on the build Mr Twister. I just fixed my store bought "Council tools" pickaroon. If the "fix" doesn't hold up, I'm going to try one of these builds also. I can't believe how handy they are for firewood.
Yep it might be another pickaroon build but it was a good one. Very nice work and love the pictures. Like you I too am retired and coasting along. Right now it is rebuilding another saw.