Picture of me at The Peabody Museum in New Haven, CT intrigued by the petrified wood, probably wondering if I could get a diamond blade for my farmboss lol. Took the gf there for Valentine's Day. She liked the Egyptian mummy and of course I liked the petrified wood! She gave me the perfect Valentine's day card for a wood hoarder!
Peabody is a nice museum. I grew up in North Haven and went there often. That huge brontosaur in the big room is so impressive. Rudolph Zallinger, who painted the mural, lived down the road from my parents house.
Her and i hadnt been there since we were kids. I live in North Haven on Clintonville rd next to Muddy River. My GF of 12 years born and raised here. I was a Wallingfordian (real word?) until 2010. Did you know the Bogaert's???
Boagert's is familiar but I can't remember why. Maybe it existed but we never went there? I moved away in '86 so its been a while. I lived on the opposite side of town from you by the Sleeping Giant.
That’s cool! When I was younger and dumber I had a break from college. Loaded up a girl and every tool I had and headed to Escalante in Utah. Drove 28 hrs straight. Went to public land and loaded up 2 pcs about 2 foot in diameter 24 inches long. Illegal??? Probably. I will take a couple pics tomorrow when I go to my dads house. There was one tree/log still intact over 10 ft in length sticking out of the ground. I wanted it bad but that stuff is so dense. Think Osage times 10. It is pure silica and the sharpest thing you have ever handled. Shreds gloves. By the time we left the girl was bleeding from head to toe and had seen enough of me. Ahhhh....good times.
Cool. This is my souviner from the Escalante. ‘77 family road trip. I remember lashing it to the roof rack on the Chevy wagon where it stayed till we got back to CT.
Nice antler. I was only 7 years old then running around the yard with a towel tied around my neck pretending to be Batman.