Hi there, We have a PelPro 60 and are trying to install the fresh air intake pipe. We can't find directions on how to attach the pipe to the stove. The picture shows the back of the stove where there is an area that looks like it could be "punched out" however we don't want to punch it out if that isn't where the pipe is supposed to go. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks! ~Heather
That looks right , but I have a different stove. You have come to the right place though, you will get all the info you need here! Sit tight!
I would just take the whole back cover off. The vent on the picture has dust on the outside, making me think air is going in there.
You'll probably have to snip those tabs off the cutout above the power cord but like BHags said, take the cover off to verify if there is in fact an air intake inlet behind that.
Agree with the above suggestions. The manual should explain everything you need to know and if you don't have one you should be able to get it off the internet. Good luck and let us know how you made out Welcome to FHC
Thanks so much for all of your suggestions! We've had no luck with the manual, you tube videos or by emailing the company. So the plan now is to remove the back, as some of you suggested, and then take a look. Can't wait for the cooler weather so we can crank this baby up again. Cheers!
That punchout above the power cord is most likely the fresh air intake. This is a picture of the PP130 and it's in the same general location. Curious, how do you like that PP60 stove anyway?
P. 31 of the owners manual for PelPro PP60. You need to remove the knock-out plate......looks like OAK tube behind it: