Pellheat results: CURRENTLY BURNING Temp Average - Ash Volume - ounces Ash Weight - ounces Ash Percentage - Fines In Bag - less than an 1/8 cup Pellet Length Avg. - 1/4" - 1" see pic Bag Weight - 40.0 lbs. on the nose Diameter - Notes: Bought from R & S Flooring $250 a ton
Pellheat results: FINAL RESULTS Temp Average - 280-320 (on door thermometer) Ash Volume - 8 ounces Ash Weight - .95 ounces Ash Percentage - 0.15% (outstanding) Fines In Bag - less than an 1/8 cup Pellet Length Avg. - 1/4" - 1" see pic Bag Weight - 40.0 lbs. on the nose (1.7 lbs. left in hopper) Notes: Bought from R & S Flooring $250 a ton There was a lot of fines at the bottom of my hopper so I would say the fines were closer to 1/4 cup+ These are an outstanding pellet just like Turman which left hardly any and clean. If you can get your hands on some of these, give them a try. Disclaimer: as with everything.......YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY