We have a rack system at work that uses in-house pallets to hold the pallets of kaolin before they are shipped. All along boards are knocked off and tossed aside. Most are 1" oak. Cut between the nails gives a good 18" slab, most have been here at least 1-2 years. Then we get paper bags from the manufacturer with these frames on top. Different from the ones I've gotten before. These are PINE..might burn down the house...lol... I'll get pics of the rest of the hoard in the morning.
The rest of the board hoard. We cut some up into strips and make kindling, have it stored in the metal trash cans, have about 7 of those.
When I worked at a pallet plant we would get these oak skids with 4x4 runners. They would strip the boards off them and than toss the 4x4's to be ground up. I had them set aside a few loads for a friend who had a wood stove ( I didn't at the time) Where I work at now I, keep the pallets, fix and sell them back to my old pallet plant and any busted up oak stringers I break down I bring home to use as heat, stuff burns great! Especially to bring the stove up to temp. I don't usually save the busted boards though, just a little too much effort/mess to deal with. Good boards are saved for repairing future pallets, they cost $$
Nice looking stuff. It all burns so might as well put it to good use. Use most of mine in the fire pit or camping. One of my suppliers that deals with the HVAC industry gets sheet metal delivered on 3'x8' hardwood pallets. Full size 2x4 rails and 1x6 slats. Rails are either oak or sugar maple as are slats. Sometimes slats are poplar. I'd grab them more often but they're HEAVY and take up the full bed of the PU. Pot luck if any are there too. I get my 40x48 stacking pallets there too. I'll grab other single loose pieces of pallet as well. Use the circular saw to cut them.
Good way to make a few Xtra $$$. We have a recycler that picks up a big trailer load once in awhile. These boards and frames usually get trashed.
I usually cut mine up at the wood shop. Have a couple staging tables and a big radial arm saw, makes cutting beside the nails easier.
I've made literal tons of kindling from the pallets your bags come on. I sawzall all the slabs between the nails and process at home.
I (and many others here) have made countless things out of upcycled pallet wood...the boards themselves...comes in handy, especially the longer stuff! Guess that means I'm ¢heap
Ok, we ship out products world wide. Never know where they will show up. I was watching "This Old House" one time, Bob Villa took a tour of a paint plant, not only was some of our products being used, it was one grade that I bagged when I was on the bagger.
I get pallets at work all the time, I try to look for the best ones to stack firewood on. If there's ones that are a little wrecked but still solid hardwood, I will bring them home and cut them up into pieces. Stuff with nails goes into a stash for the fire pit, and without nails gets stacked into boxes and saved for Boy Scout campfires. I'll take pine ones too for the fire pit. I'd take all the pallets if I had the time to cut them all up.
I scrounged a mahogany pallet once. Took it apart and made an Adirondack chair for a now ex GF. Im cheaper than you are! I'll PM the story to ya