Well I had some lodge pole that I had milled from a couple of years ago with some scraps from other projects and decided to make this table. It is nice to have something to lay things on so I do not have to bend over to pick them up or look for a place to set them. That is some dark walnut stain I threw on there to protect it some. Nothing fancy but practical for me.
A couple years ago I set up some sawhorses and a 10’ long pallet, braced with a couple extra used 2x4’s underneath. It was extremely helpful as, at that time, most of my rounds were 8-16” and I’d stage them whole table full so I could just grab and split from there. ive been working this last year at moving wood and the mess from one area to another as my wife wanted the garden where my wood mess was. I’m very limited on space in town but this thread reminded me that I need to get a table made up. that’ll help ya fer sher
X2 We were using a stainless-steel table with the splitter, but the fire kind of warped from the fire. You can see it just to the right of the wagon.
I usually just have my Yukon hatch open for tools, or some part of a tractor full of "stuff" At my dad's we just use the bed of the Gator as a table.