What other uses do you have for your firewood next to heating your home? Chainsaw art? Smoking your pulled pork or just as jumbo construction bricks? I'm interested! By far my second favorite use of my firewood is to heat my Samovar in spring/ summer/autumn during those days that you'd never think of lighting a stove. It is basically an old fashioned water cooker that operates on scraps of firewood. It has a double walled burning pot so there is a mantle of water around the fire. The one below I bought new in Russia Tula last year at the factory but they were very, very popular up to the development of an electric kettle in Russia and the far east. I've got a few vintage ones (plus 100 years old) since they are pretty easy to come by at e-bay and I find them to be quite pretty. It takes aproximately 30 minutes to heat 5 Liters up to boiling point, the hot water is extracted with the tap on the right. So this is my excuse to fire up on those lazy warm afternoons.
X2. Ok....I wanna keep my man card....it's too nice to be sitting outside! Firewood stacks help hold up the 8 foot privacy fence at the rear of my yard. It's probably the only reason it still stands. Idiots who installed it b4 I bought, used 4x4 posts on an 8 foot fence. Oh....trailer tire chocks, jack blocks, dog toy, door stop. That's about all I've used it for off the top of my head.
I like to check a lot of the bigger splits, especially cherry, maple and oak. I set aside any piece that can be used for shop projects. There are a lot of uses here. Firewood spilt down to feed the outdoor oven. Swedish candles. Live edge boxes Cooking a pork loin on a hand-split cherry plank. Wood turning Fire starters from saw chips and noodles
Great thread, and great pics! I have a few gnarly stumps that I split my firewood on and use as saw horses for the chainsaw mill: You can use it as a stand for gratuitous pics of your new 661: Or you can use a few splits to make a work of art!
I'm with Bocefus78! Tire chocks and dog toys seem to be the only things I use them for. I can never seem to see past that it's "only firewood." I've just been reminded what an inventive and talented group there is here at FHC! Very cool pic's. Keep 'em coming!!
A lot of mine get's used for exercise. Because my dogs like to drag smaller logs out of the pile and then leave them in the yard after chewing them, which means I have to either pre-walk the yard before mowing, or constantly shut off the blades and get off to toss the logs out of the way! I actually just installed an Unger trash pickup tool on my mower just for he sticks the dogs leave in the yard! I've also started using some of my uglies and smaller pieces to build up a low spot in my stacking area that my garden tractor used to have trouble getting out of when it was muddy. I've already raised that area about 10".
More seating, I call this the "work bench", it's not very comfortable so don't sit very long and get back to work. The garden.
In college we lived somewhat near a snowmobile trail. Out of towers would come rip through our yard at 3am on the way home from the bar. Generally tearing the hell out of the place even though it was posted. I happened to be coming home from work late one night and one guy cut up through the driveway, blast by a few feet from me and stopped to drop down the hill back onto the road. pizzed off, I grabbed a birch split and heaved it at him. Hell if it didn't catch him right in the back of the helmet and send him azz over tea kettle off the machine. He got up like he was going to make something of it until he saw I had picked up the maul. He attempted to roost me but ended up lawn darting in the road and busting his machine up. Can't fix stupid. Year after that a new house mate showed us the blue poly tarp trick. Get a good base then go put a blue poly tarp down before a light snow fall. Snowmobile comes along, studs grab the tarp and suck it into the track and makes a general mess. Came home from class more than once to find a nice new machine sitting in the yard waiting for the owner to come back with a trailer....
Here ya go Eric VW. I use a small homemade plunger to compress the wax wood mix into the cardboard tubes. Almost time to make some more. http://firewoodhoardersclub.com/forums/threads/wax-firestarters.5475/
In the summer I use a wood stack to lean my yard tools against. It's great for keeping them from falling when I set one down.
That wood house is freakishly even and perfect looking. It almost creeped me out a little. That is amazing.
Had to make someone that could help stack wood, so I made a bear. He only bites when you're not lookin'.