Today a I started dropping the first of some 2 dozen dead standing chestnut oaks I have been eyeing for some time now. It felt good to be out working in nice cool dry weather.
That will be a lot of fire wood when done. Show us some stacks when you get it all processed, it will be interesting to see how much you get.
Nice Drop! It was just the right temperature today to be out side.... cool enough for a jacket, but not too warm to sweat much either
I got both stems of the oak, and a standing dead black birch on the ground today and started some bucking. This oak was about the most deteriorated out there. I'll certainly get a huge amount of firewood out of it, but I hope some of the less degraded trees might yield some saw logs for lumber. I want to build another barn sometime soon, and it would be nice to get some/all of the siding out of these trees. We'll just have to see what condition the wood is in. If it's all firewood grade, that's fine too.
Like you and your oak, I've got a lot of dead standing beech that will be keeping me busy. You have to love the high btu stuff. You know it's going to keep you warm, and in your case, might become a barn.
Another great day in the woods today! Wife and I clean out a small path in the woods to put up some more fencing. Sheep will appreciate more room. I got to run the clippers and the chainsaw (small 2-6" trash trees) while wife got quality seat time in the tractor. Then, in the afternoon I put 6 more chestnut oaks on the ground. Most of them look to have solid heartwood. Only one had some minor center rot. The MS461 (25"bar) was really earning it's keep these last two days. The dead trees are 12-20" dbh, mostly in upper range ~18"
The Wood Wolverine Had to take out a few small 2-4" gum trees for the fence line in the morning. Then, decided to wage all out war on every stinking gum trees in that general area of the woods. NONE, of them will be C/S or S for firewood.
ain't nothin like chestnut oak......I had a bunch of it a few years back, just an awesome firewood IMHO
That size doesn't need to be split, just cut and stacked. I have never burned gum, is it not with the time? With a tractor, couldn't you just load the bucket with the small gum pieces?
Gum has interlocking grain, like elm and sycamore, so it is a huge pain to split. Then, once it's dry, it burns like paper. Given how many other specie I can choose from, the gum just doesn't seem worth it. I took down a medium sized one this fall and The Wood Wolverine helped my splitting it. That job convinced me that it would be the last time I split gum for firewood.