The 750 is a saw most guys run a large bar on and not a bow ( 112cc ). Not sure why this one had a bow on in but I've got a few nice NOS homie bars that will fit that saw nicely
Great find! 750s are quite sought after. I've been looking for a good one for years. Never seen a saw that big with a bow. Put a regular bar on it and let that monster eat some wood!
Never seen a bow on a 750 (or a 650). Odd that the guard is on the bottom of the bow. If you are interested in parting with the bow I have a 550 that would like to have it.
It has mounting holes for the upper guard, it's just missing. I certainly wouldn't want to run that thing without a guard . Will let you know if i don't put the bow on another saw.
Here's a nice Homelite 750 For Sale, and two 1100's.
Nice score. I hate to be a wet blanket..........................................but that's not a 650 or 750. It's a 450 or 550. Still a great old saw.