Responded to a Craigslist ad yesterday about some free Norway Maple and wound up making a new contact with a tree service! I had enough time to start the second job he had for me after the four trucks full of maple. Next couple weeks have some spruce on the menu he tells me. Love me some spruce for shoulder seasons! The next batch is red oak that he cut and had someone else picking up until they gave up and left the big stuff. Big stuff is what I like, so I'll be finishing that job. I have permission from the customer to bring a splitter on site, so I will drag the Huskee a few miles up the road and get 'er done - probably in the dark - after work this week. Brought a neighbor buddy with me this time - he has some health problems that have kept him out of work for a while and is hurting financially, so he doesn't want to pay the oil man any more. I set him up with some dry wood for right now, and a couple truckloads of today's haul that we will process together to get him started on the future. He is beyond thrilled and got a great workout, taking it easy on the ol' ticker that has been giving him grief. Obligatory Pics included. Most in progress. Last one is the preview of the red oak score. Lots more where this came from, including the big stuff!! It was a good day.
That's some nice stuff there! Nothing like a tree service connection to get and keep ahead. Gooder on you for helping someone in need. Your good deed will come back to you.
Nice score. I like Norway maple. Power company dropped some at my dads some years back and I remember it burning really nice. Isn't it an invasive type tree or something? What flavor in the pint?
BigPapi may the Lord pay you back double for your kindness in helping out your neighbor at a time like this. You're liable to come upon some really great wood very soon.
Don't remember a Fonda movie. I do remember it from Troy, Orlando Bloom I think. Probably my age speaking!
Nice score! I think Norway has pretty similar characteristics as ash: dries fast, and easy to split, when it's straight. The only thing is, those huge crotch rounds it tends to have. I'd be 'noodling' those down for sure. Nice score! And good for you for helping out too!
Long Trail Green Blaze IPA. I am an unrepentant beer geek. Tree service contact definitely has a little something coming! I will be cleaning up well, and delivering lunch for the crew as soon as I track them down on a jobsite! If I can't catch him working, I think a case of liquid refreshment will definitely find its way to his brother's house, where I found out the rest of the oak happens to be. Last time we spoke he was asking how much room I might have for logs and a big truck.. Staying in this gentleman's good graces is priority A1.
Red oak is in hand.. Glad we towed up the splitter. Some gnarly stuff in this batch. Heavy, too! Please forgive my helper for being a Jets fan. We can't all be perfect. He still got a nice load of dry ash at the end of the day, as he needs wood he can burn now. No pics of that, as it was dark by the time I rooted through the stacks to get it!