2015 Richmond Natural Gas Water heater 6640-36F1 from 2015, not staying lit. It's been a while since I installed this new water heater in November of 2015. Water wouldn't get got today. Went down to look at it, and it wasn't lit. Tried relighting it about 20 times. Holding that pilot button down for a minute is not the most fun. Pretty sure the thermocouple went. I've replaced them in the past, but that was 20 years ago in a past life. These things still appear to be universal, as long as you have a long enough thermocouple that is. A 24" thermocouple should do it. Ace hardware has them for like $12https://www.acehardware.com/departments/heating-and-cooling/thermostats-and-heating-supplies/thermocouples/4894275 I'll have my wife pick one up tomorrow. Wish me luck and I'll enjoy my cold shower tomorrow morning to wake up.. I know you can test these, but they are cheap and fix the problem most of the time.