I decided my 22 year old Dakota want safe anymore so I purchased this 2012 GMC SIERRA. It is much cleaner underneath but I will do some cleanup with a wire wheel and apply POR 15. After owning it barely 17 hours I took it to the transfer station. On the way I found the sugar maple limb wood. At the transfer station I found the shag bark limb, and the two pieces of silver maple.
Thats too nice to use for wood Thom. Be gentle on the tailgate! Great find on the wood. Haven't been to my dump as of late and the Wallingford one will reopen next week.
I had an hour to play so I went back to where I found the sugar maple. I cut a few rounds, first time I ran the saw on about a month. I discovered I need to cut more rounds with a bigger bed to keep them from rolling around.