Been lurking here a while now and finally signed up. Just wanted to say hi and show a few pictures of the crazy obsession we all share. Grew up with a lopi wood stove at my parents cottage and always told myself I would have one when I had my own place, not sure what it was but its just something that creeps into you. Love everything about burning. Fast forward many years and I find myself house shopping, top priority; fireplace. Been in the house 4 years this past July and burned the first two years in the open fireplace, nice but not a woodstove. Finally found the time and extra cash to install a insert in March of '15. Only got to burn for a couple months that year so still not sure exactly how much wood I'm going to use, however knowing that I always wanted a stove and that I've been around wood burning since a young pup I started hoarding the first year I moved in to the house and have a pretty good hoard of seasoned wood going. So we shall see what I go through this year, whether I will be three years ahead not sure but it will be close. Got myself a Napoleon 1401 insert on craigslist for a steal of 200$, 5.5" stainless liner with 1\4" blanket. Cutting the damper out was quite the dirty job and only being able to access the chimney from a ladder made hoisting the liner in a real challenge, could of used a heli. The rest of the install was fairly straightforward. Made up a block off plate with some sheet metal, siliconed it in and insulated it with some leftover liner blanket. Just wanted to introduce myself and post a few pictures (I've picked up on the fact you folks love pictures). Seems like tons of good information and people on here, g!ad to finally be a part of it. I've got a bunch more pictures on my old phone but I'll save those for another date. Kevin Some 25" oak rounds from a buddy's yard tree. Heavy som beaches. Ash and silver maple rounds. filling up my pallets. Used to have a bunch of cinder block and landscape timber racks everywhere but decided to consolidate. all full, gonna have to find some more room! Yeah, that's how to make the wife happy. heres the Napoleon with one of the mutts in her absolute favorite place to be when its cold outside.
Welcome Kevin, glad you decided to join us!! Great folks here and alot of great info, and yes we love pictures. Looks like you have a nice set up going. Looking forward to more of your pics in the future.
Now here's a guy that announces his presence with authority! Welcome to FHC Kevin. Make yourself at home and throw on a log
Hey Kevin, welcome aboard. With all that goin' on, it's about time you joined up. Just always remember, you never have enough firewood.:stacke:
Welcome to the family, Kevin!! Great first post, nice looking hoard you have there!! Nice looking Napoleon insert there, too! You're among family here at FHC, glad you joined up with us!
Welcome aboard! Looks like you are an old hat at all this. And then you played a trump card right off the get go and posted pics!!
I wouldn't say old hat but I've been around a little. Growing up with woodstove, saws and being outdoors whenever I could along with a stint as a ground grunt for a landscape company all helped. Plus, it just feels right, love every second of it. Thanks for the warm welcome.
I remember as my father got older how he would sit in front of the wood furnace. Used to wonder why he did that. Don't wonder any longer....
just went today and picked a small load of this up from a friend who had a blow over. Not really sure what species it is, split pretty easy and is heavy as all heck. Though maybe some sort of cherry but ever cherry I have seen has the nice red hue evenly throughout, this is different. No leaves to be found. I'm sure some of the ID gurus around here can help me out.
Hey Kevin, glad you joined and great first post! fireplaces are great, can't beat them for the ambiance. Nice looking cherry you got there too...