I just got signed up and approved to be a member of the club. I ran on to this forum this morning and knew this was for me. After a 27 year hiatus, I'm back to hoarding firewood. Right now I'm burning a fairly early version of the Warm Morning. . . .like sort of a pot-belly stove. It provides more than enough heat for my 1200 sq. ft. woodworking shop. Wow, does it gobble up the firewood. That's ok. Since I'm retired I have the time to tend it. I don't see any members from this far West, so maybe I'll be able to contribute something new. Blackfoot, Idaho is on the Eastern edge of the Snake River Plain at about 4500 ft. elevation. Our temperatures range from -25 to around 100 degrees. We have about 5 - 6 months of heating time. I find all of your posts very interesting. I hope I can contribute.
Welcome grandpachris! I had a wonderful time when I was little floating on the snake. Beautiful country!
Welcome! I was in your state last summer on a cross country trip. Beautiful land out there I thought. That is quite a temperature range for sure. Here we can get to 100 in the summer but -25 would be colder than I can remember here. Glad to have you!
Welcome aboard grandpachris Good too have you here. I have no doubt that you have plenty to contribute here oh yeah in case you didn't know we really like pictures ,
If you range from -25 to 100 you're in good company here.. Just disregard everyone from Ohio or Michigan because their highs are like 64 in July..lol.. Welcome grandpachris.. Nice to have some more people from out west..
Welcome to the family. Grab a chair and bring in near the fire. Chairs are first come first server, and no calling 5vsies.....