Strange... never heard of it either. I suppose if 2 things... almost empty fuel tank & ignition source.. get together...
Smoking while refueling, or spilling gas on the hot muffler with cap off of the fuel tank while refueling?
I'm sure STIHL will be impressed with the picture they used for the story......................NOT !!!!!!!!!!!
Chainsaw free zones? Permit to carry chainsaw? (training required) Banning of tactical style chainsaws?
... tactical style chainsaws ... love that one... Chainsaws requiring suppressors ...? Can't be "loaded" in a vehicle...? 10 minute fuel magazines...?
LOL!! Wonder if there will be a clause to grandfather existing saws in? You guys made me ALMOST spit my coffee!
Well since it's for the kids... The ATF and C is now formed! Sorry to all if that is too political. No offense meant. Please delete if necessary. Again, sorry!!
LOL Agreed! I'd have to assume that's the case. I sure don't know how it could actually explode. Sad that it happened to the man all the same.
Maybe inhaled smoke and flames and burnt internally? What ever it was, like you said, very sad! And probably a one in a million chance! But we're still gonna hafta confiscate them saws...
Guess I'll reply to this one too. Very local to me but I didn't know the man. Reported that he was working on his saw in a confined space when gas vapors ignited. He died at the hospital due to severity of burns.
We had a dummy proof/home owner (amateur) safe "user friendly" McCoullagh blow. No fire thankfully, but some gas shot into WWW's eyes. Thank God we had packed in several water bottles to flush his eyes, cut zone that year was 2 hours from paved road (before cell phones were around). They apologized, sent a new saw, but he was not willing to take the chance again, that's how he ended up with the Stihl.... Anyway it came out later that the saw had problems in high altitude, we were at 9000+ ft that day.