Came home from a decent day at work to a Verizon bill. Quick recap: We used to have two landlines, one for the home phone and one for an ancient modem line. We decided to dump both lines and bought a iPhone and have the home number ported to it. Much cheaper. Everything was taken care of on Aug 1st. I spoke with a Verizon tech on that day and told him to disconnect both lines completely. My final bill was automatically charged but then received a partial refund for overbilling me to the tune of $45. Today: Open a paper bill from Verizon saying I owe $85. I got twisted immediately and called them. I explained my situation and the rep asked if it was ok to check my account. Certainly. He then tries to sell me a reduced rate home line and direct tv. Putz. We go back and forth; he tells me the modem line was never cancelled and I explain to him on Aug 1st everything was taken care of. The home phone line could not be ported over because of the modem line. I was on autopay with my credit card to Verizon, and its amazing that its use was discontinued as well, by Verizon. So obviously both lines were disconnected as I was no longer billed. He then tries to sell me a DSL package. Blah, Blah Blah …….. In the end, he says I may get a partial bill and I tell him I will not pay this bill or a future bill as it was cancelled on Aug 1st. I'm sorry. Just venting.
Went thru about the same thing with AT&T. After 15 months I turned them into the Michigan Public Service Commision for a .17 cent bill. Things changed real quick and they decided that they had overcharged me for 135.00 on the 2 lines I was trying to cancel. The thing is that they did not owe me the money because I would have to go over the bill with a fine tooth comb every month. Keep a log of who you talk to employee id# ,date, time and what you were promised or told. Gary
@Grizzly Adam maybe we need a venting forum. Not necessarily to bash companies just a way to give people a heads up about companies. Or vice versa give a company kudos.
I feel your pain. Verizon's customer service and billing just suck. The customer portal on their website is a mess to navigate as well and after moving my service a couple times they still have issues with my online account that never seemed to get fixed. Having said that I still use them for everything because they have by far the best cell coverage around here and I like getting my land phone, TV and internet all on one wire (FiOS).... cheaper than Comcast to boot. The one saving grace, at least with Fios, is that they dont subcontract out the installs so when a tech comes to the house he usually actually knows what he is doing.
I have century link for phone and dish and DSL. Well they told me I could get an upgraded speed DSL line that was faster and it actually would be a few pennies cheaper...but I would need a new modem that was compatible or rent theirs. I said I have one of your modems but you gave it to me like 5 years ago when I got the service. I dont rent it...they got the model and said that it was compatible so I said good. They set it all up..well I noticed a suspicious charge on the bills that looked like it may be a "rental" fee took a few months but I finially called. It was a rental...I explained that I owned my modem from when it was given to me years ago by them. They apologized and refunded me the 4 months of back charges that amounted to like $28. I just shook my head??
I was unwillingly obligated to a 2 year contract with Directv after I agreed to a CenturyLink package that should have included Land line, Internet, and TV. CenturyLink told me after the Directv was installed that they had a computer glitch, the phone and internet was not available (stopped a few miles away) but I was still on the hook for DirecTV for 2 years since I signed the install form. What a crock.
You gotta love how well the reps on the phone are trained, being able to multi-task as well as they do. They can try and sell you the sand in Arabia while fixing a billing/service problem. I'm sure the numbers are staggering too, how many people fall for it because they can't say NO
That is a total crock and I would blow a gasket! There is no way that is legal as you signed for a package and that is not what you got. I would fight that one tooth and nail to the bitter end.
Just call your state licensing division and file a complant you WILL get a response from the company. They hate when you do that! Gary
Direct TV tries shady stuff all the time in my opinion. Adding stuff to your plan and than expecting you to know you have to cancel it when you did not sign up for it to begin with. We went back and forth with them for over a month after the ice storm. I wanted to cancel service because they were not providing reliable service. They said I had a $150 early cancelation fee. I told them they broke their end of the contract by not providing service or showing up on the scheduled days. They said that does not matter to them. I said fine its worth it to me to get rid of their service. Long story short after another 2 weeks we decided to keep it because they cut the bill by over half.
Dish always puts an "equipment fee" or some sort of protection plan for it on our bill. Have to cancel it. They say it is for equilt meant replacement and to drop service calls to $10 or something. Its like $8/month. Once i figured out I paid it I told them to drop it. I told them I lease "their" equipment anyway and its their responsibility to replace things like a remote if it tears up or the box for thatmatter. They said well what about a technition visit. I said if one visits it cause YOUR eequipment failed and I should not have to pay. They said ok if you want for a visit you just add the fee that month and it covers you and then u can drop it??? I said ok. So a few months back we got a new Dvr. They sent a guy to trouble shoot for free. So a few weeks back we get no signal for half a day. I call up and they try to charge me for the visit and or sell me the protection plan. I said you all just replaced my box and dish and I had no trouble like this the 5 prior years...I'm thinking g its install related and its your responsibility not I will not pay for it. They said ok sure well do that