My neighbor works for the town and has supplied me with roads side scrounges in the past. He grew up best friends with my son. He took down this red maple yesterday. I hear it is a Norway variant . He asked me to help him with some cleanup this morning. His buddies are taking some of the wood but I have first choice. I ran the saw for about an hour in a sprinkle that turned into rain. I got some nice rounds, note how the bark resembles ash. I will go back during the week. There’s allot of crotches and knots.
Nice score. Yes the crimson king cultivar of Norway maple. I imagine it's like regular Norway and dries very fast, and puts out decent heat.
Good stuff there. Ill take all the Norway/Crimson I can get. Splits easily and btu's comparable to ash IMO. Yard trees can be tough but find a straight one (they seem to seed themselves on property lines and go unchecked for years) and you'll get some nice splits.