This is what gets me high. Gotta love the parks dept. i think they know that I'm around so they don't have to clean up the mess. Don't worry I'll clean it up...
Yeah savage. One of the guys from the parks dept was there so I was shooting the chit with him. Ask him where he's from and so on , and told him where I live and the guy use to hunt on my street but his buddy sold the house, so I told him I can get him into the woods and he can park his car in my driveway but u have to hook me up wood and he said no eyes lit up. He told me and I could go into the back of his dump truck and take some dry wood but I had my subaru packed already.. Gotta get me a pick up for the new year...
Hows your green cart holding up? Got mine last year and already replaced a cple tires, luckily I picked them up at Harbor. Free wood is a good haul.... most of the time lol.
Always good to cultivate those connections! You're doing a service for your community, and scoring some free wood at the same time! Heck, my job pays me for 24hrs of CST per year - maybe you can get paid for it too!
You should just give them your cell phone number. Maybe put those fellas on the x-mas card list this year
I sure did. Can let a opportunity on hand go to waste. I'll always bump into them any how when they work in my neighborhood u could always hear chainsaws in the hood lol most of the time it's gunshots