Wood species, that is. I don't know what you were thinking. I'm in need of onsite inventory, to refill some empty wood racks. They always seem to show up this time of year. So... Off to my SIL's. Dropped some DSRO/WO. Some dead and near dead sassy, and a green black Birch. My SIL's boyfriend has a nice toy. Here's one pile Same pile, backside We swapped out the bucket for forks to move these into a pile. Log tongs in each pic for scale. Logs will stay there for now. It's about a 5min drive over back roads. So I can go, cut, and bring rounds back here. I'm guessing just over a cord. 80% red/white oak. I'll add to this over the next few weeks, as I nibble away at my new inventory. Time for some Ibuprofen, shower, adult beverage, and probably a nap.
Great work my friend ! I like those back saver sized trees. Nice that there is no deadline either. I hate deadlines. Looks like fun with the tractor to help too!
A perfect arrangement to leave the logs there, and bring home rounds in the SUV bit by bit. I don't know about yours, but my car can only manage about a quarter cord at a time. Lucky to get sassafras, I don't see it up here.
I plan to actually measure out 16in and mark along the length of the logs, before cutting. It'll be a change from my normal eyeballing. A whole rack of measured wood, doesn't exist in my woodyard. And, it's very obvious.
Folding rule and kids chalk are perfect for that. SOP when i cut. Perfect wood for doing that too. An old broom handle works perfect foe a marking stick too. Years back my mom would get a load of uncut logs. I was the cutter and splitter. She would stack. I made a 48" stick just like Backwoods Savage.
Today was cut and move day. I used my oldest saw, the Husky 40. I did measure using a yard stick and chaulk. White oak always smells nice when cutting Load #1. 2 lengths deep Load #2 I left a pile of logs, 48" long. He'll use his tractor and forks to move them to an easier place to get to, to cut. Both loads unloaded. That's all red and white oak. Most bark is falling off it. It'll get split and stacked together. I'll get a MM stuck in when I split and determine how long it needs to sleep. There's showers forecasted over the next couple of days. So, I won't be doing much more this week. The 40 did ok. It took a bit of time to get through the dead oak compared to my newer saws, but I just let it go at it's own speed. Shower time.
Great pictures. Glad you were able to drop them and get the wood. Having toys to play...er..work with sure helps out.
In the spirit of the Michigan GTG, that's currently underway, I spent some time this morning, wooding. Splitting and stacking. The stack of rounds at no more. That's a 12ft rack. I didn't have any wire, do the rope will do until I come up with something better. I used the MM on one split - 43%. I'll need to come up with a cover for it. Again in the spirit of the GTG, I'm off to have an adult beverage.
Multiples? First thing I thought was PULL, then two clay birds flying in the air. Nice lil score of wood going on there.
In the same GTG spirit, my friend from Ala, my wife and I went down our field road and dropped 2 cherry trees last night and got 1 to the woodyard. And in a to amateur cutter it landed beside the road...the top is on the road... These logs are from the 2nd tree, we got 52 ft of main trunk, still have smaller limbs to cut.
I hired a buddy and his pickup, to move the remaining logs. After two loads - A nice little pile of logs. I can CSS at my leisure. There's still more DSRO over there. Maybe, think about getting them in the fall. Oh... the rental was paid by buying breakfast.