Have a McCuloch super pro 125 and wasn't sure how valuable it is. Could someone help. Need to sell but not sure how much.
I hate to put a price on other's people's stuff. I will tell you that one came up on cl last year in my area. Running, in nice cosmetic condition, with a 42" bar for $175. I called 4 hours after it was posted and it was already sold. I would have paid that in a heartbeat. You can look up eBay sold sales to get a better idea. They sell higher on there then they would locally though. A premium is paid for great condition saws of that vintage. You have a sought after, 125cc torque monster saw. It is in average used condition but we do not know the running condition. Talk to Scotty Overkill he would give you a fair price. Glws
Its 123cc actually.... First 2 videos are my saw.The videos give a good example what these legendary beasts are like when in strong running condition.
42" bar in good shape (whether hardnose,rollernose (most valuable/sought after) or newer sprocket nose is worth $175 by itself easily. Whoever bought that saw pretty much stole it! Same saw/bar would fetch $600+ on Ebay,$800 isn't outta line for an extra nice one.
I just looked through all my pics to see if I screen shot the ad but didn't find it. There was no doubt it was a steal and it still pizzes me off that I didn't see it sooner. It was a sprocket nose bar fyi.