Log Dogs. There has been some questions as to how much that they can pull? Judge for yourself in the video!
2 or 3 whacks with a 5lb soft hammer and they are in ,and a whack on ether side and they are out. They were initially created and used in salt water recovery of logs that strayed from log tows. (Beach Combing) Log Tow.
Wow. Looking at them and having no experience with them you would think they would pull out when you pulled that hard on a heavy log. I like those. Where did you get yours Alan? Can you still buy them?
Clear yarding with no hang ups like in the video, they hold good enough but had that chunk come up against a rock several inches high and solid embedded in the ground, it would have popped out! They are available at just about any logging supply outlet (companies that sell industrial cable) on the BC Coast. From the research that I have done through these suppliers, once you get away from the coast, nobody has heard of them. They sell for under $5 apiece but the postage back your way is about $ 10 to $12. If you PM me your address, I will send you one for Christmas seeing as I won't let you have my Jetstream!
If you needed to pull your quad and there was a solid stump that the dog could be drive into and pulled on at right angles it really has holding power.
LOL. I don't want you to let me have it. I just said you might as well sell me it because the one you have is going to keep working for you for another 30 years because you take such good care of it. (Am I making any progress on buttering you up? Or no.)
That is a great idea Alan! He could make a bunch of them and hand them out to his favorite FHC friends! Scotty. Did I ever tell you how fricking great of a job you have done with this site?
I have thought about using one of these before. But never tried it. If I found one heavy duty enough. But, I would have to stick a rod through it and twist it in after I got it started in with a good size hammer. Then you have to twist it out too. Prolly not fast enough.
4500 lb super winch! This about a 35' log which is going to dig in so I choke this log. On a straight pull, with no hang ups the dog would hold, taking for granted the log is sound!