We have a loaded truck pics thread. I know I'm not the only one who scrounges with the family car, I've seen a few pics here and there. I'll start.
My wife would kill me!! I was going to post pictures of family like stuff. But can't find a pic. I'll dig and post one later
Sugar maple. Just an opportunist here when the situation arises. Best car air fresheners you can get, these rounds. It looks like we need tarps here.
Heh, I may be doing some of this today. A few months ago I bucked some lengths of black locust for a guy in a neighboring borough, as a favor to him and as an opportunity to try out my 7901 after rebuilding it. He was appreciative and kept my phone number. I got a call from him last evening as I was heading to work. It seems one of his neighbors has the trunk of a white ash, maybe 22-26" in diameter, 16-18' long, lying in his yard... would I be interested? I can cram about half a face cord into my Subaru.
You guys with these smaller vehicles loaded do you have a trick or trailer as well. I ask cause some of these loads are so small id burn it in 24 hours. So unless you bring home that much almost every day in the summer I would never have enough.
I only burn about 2 cords a year. We have a natural gas furnace so it doesn't hurt too badly if the furnace kicks on to help out. My insert isn't big enough to completely heat the house anyhow. There are also a lot of mature hardwood trees in my neighborhood, so I rarely have to travel far and it's feasible to make multiple trips in a short time. Last winter I got almost half a cord of locust from a yard four closely-spaced houses up the street. In the spring I got almost a cord of cherry from the end of my block. A couple months ago I got about a face-cord of pear from another neighbor on the street behind my house. Yesterday a big Japanese maple was taken down directly across the street and it's stacked out front for me to take today. The ash tree I mentioned upthread is several miles away, further than I typically go, but I'd hate to let it go by.
I burn about 2-3 cords myself a year. And could not imagine getting it all in a car or wagon or even a suburban for that matter
2 cords is about 12 trips in my station wagon, but when many of those trips are less than a quarter-mile it's not so bad. It also tends to set up a rhythm of getting small amounts and getting it all split and stacked very quickly. Rounds don't sit there for months, staring at you reproachfully while you try to find time to deal with them.
Me either......... I would at least use a trailer. I guess I get the use what ya got but dang it seems hard on them and I can't imagine loading my Rav4 down with logs.
Yea I guess if there all close. I usually go 10 miles to get wood. But sometimes its a whole dump truck others a full truck and trailer full. Sometimes its across town which means half a mile for me?
Not all of my wood comes home in the family car. I was lucky, I hired an arborist to take down a couple of spruce that were beyond my skill level. He was a student at a local college working his way through school doing jobs on the side, he learned the trade from his father. He was finishing school and needed to clean up the rental property he had been staying at while at school, so he brought me all the wood he had laying around. That got me to where I'm at (24 cords) in about a year. It also got me a bunch of chunks/uglies, like 4-5 cords worth, but it was free. Now if I see it or I hear about it, I don't pass it up. If the stacks get uncomfortably low then I may buy a log load.
For the stuff that comes from neighbors, it's more like the way some guys with their own woodlots haul small amounts to the house using ATVs and small trailers, except that the woodlot is someone else's yard, and the path to it is paved.