The son of the bosses at work brought a property that came up for sale right by the main farm, he was hoping to use the house that was on it but it ended up needing to much and got crushed, burnt and buried. So now he is looking to build a new house there at some point, there is a small section of woods that he has been cleaning up on the slow days. Saddly have not taking any photos tell today. Cleaning up just about all the under brush, dead trees, damaged trees and anything that will be in the way of the new house. There has been a Big Burr oak that has been on the chopping block, today was the day, used a Jonsered 2165 with a 20" bar, the thing was huge, but fell right were I wanted it and it waited tell it hit the ground to split thankfully. They are not the best photos, as I tried to snap a couple well no one was looking. It does the stump no justice, it's a 8lb mual sitting on the stump, but it doesn't show that the handle doesn't go all the way across, I'm guessing about 48"Dia There's also 2 12-18dia trees laying under it that I had to drop to make room. I will probably take a few loads from it, but they're good neighbor Burns wood all year long and has been processing everything he wants. But I have been told I can take what ever we cut if I want.
And when I got home my new bar and chain I ordered for the 2071 was waiting by the door for me, never tried them before but have read some good things. I will have to throw it on tonight and see about maybe cutting a load from that tree tomorrow, There saying we may get 3 to 7+ inches of snow tonight, if we get that I won't be but I'm still hoping it misses us, we are right on the upper edge of it.
Nice job getting it on the ground. Trees with unexpected hollows can be scary. Hope the snow misses you and you can cut tomorrow. Good luck with the new bar.
Thank you! I knew going into it that it was rotten in the middle I just wasn't sure to what extent, so I made sure everybody was clear in all directions and I had exit routes all sides of the tree just in case it Barber chaired or didn't have any good hold wood left and went it's own way. But thankfully it actually went the way I had planned!
We actually hit 75° last week, it's actually starting to dry a little bit the sod went from free floating on mud to semi-attached. We actually probably only spent maybe about a month total all winter with snow cover on the ground
All snow up north at my hunting land was melted until they got a dusting overnight last night again. It was a very short snowmobiling season this year in Wisconsin, but at least trails did open this year, unlike last year. I'm just waiting for the snow banks to melt, and I can get my boat from the pole shed.