Drove up the I-5 corridor from Portland and picked up a couple bags of Packsaddle pellets at $4.59 a bag. Thought it was reasonable until I realized they are 33 lb bags. Easier to carry but lighter in value. I will provide a review after I burn what is in the hopper.
Ok so this is really informal, obviously, but this is my impression of Packsaddle Pellets. They seem to burn hot, real hot. I am simply basing that on the feel of the hot air blowing out of my Harman. My take is these pellets are as good or better than my Bears or Olympus. I will have to wait to see how much residue they leave but I would easily and happily buy them again. But I can't get them at the price i can for my regulars I just mentioned. But if I lived in Oregon, I would be on that chit. Oooops. If I lived in Oregon I would buy any one of those three at the cheapest price... probably Bears. I also believe that those folks that don't buy into Douglas Fir pellets not being hotter are wrong. They are. I compared them to fir blends, and DFs burn hotter. But if I had to pay another $100 or more for a pallet, I wouldn't do it. Burn more cheaper pellets. I will update in the next couple days to report on ash output. But in my view thus far, Packsaddle is a quality pellet. I wish I had the option to buy it. I am also assuming that a pallet of 33 pound bags would have more bags on the pallet than the standard 50. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time.
There's one in Marysville but they'd have to send it up there. I once emailed the guy a year and a half ago (or longer?) and they wanted like $50 more a pallet for DF pellets than what I can get at my Coastal in Marysville. I'll fire off an email to the guy again and see if anything has changed -- but $50-$60 difference is not going to be inspirational enough. Having said that, I think the Packsaddle pellets are a very good pellet. Like really good.
Ok, I found the quote, It was a year ago. With coupon, it was still $50 more for a ton of pellets for 60 bags. By the way, I'm glad it's 60 bags. I honestly like working with the 33 pounds better but that's secondary, I may some day just buy a pallet -- just because -- but it's not happening until next year. Here's the quote the guy sent me.
Looks like they are giving the $15 online coupon. I like them. I just don't them $50 more. Packsaddle Pellets – Parr Lumber
They're a smaller mill -- higher prices. I wouldn't mind giving them some business someday. http://www.franklumberco.com/ Google Maps - Mill City, OR
maybe I'm misunderstanding, when you fill the hopper I get that it would take more of the smaller bags to fill it but once it's full you would burn the same amount of pellets whether they came out of a 40 lb bag or 33 lb bag
Yeah, ok. I guess in the climate I live in, the 40lb bags are ideal because when I turn my pellet stove on at night, the most it has ever burned through is a half of a bag for a given 8 -12 hour period, leaving me with another half a bag inside the hopper to either burn throughout the day or the following evening. Thus I could fill the hopper with a single bag at a time w/o leaving pellets in an open bag on the floor somewhere. Assuming I decided to burn wood in my wood stove during the day, that would leave the hopper with about 1/2 a bag left in the hopper to burn the following night. But using the 33 pound bags, there was not enough to make it through the night -- or to close to call -- so I opened the other bag and filled it. So I'm actually loading the hopper daily instead of every other day. Because I started with a new brand of pellets, I like to burn the other brand complete through before burning the new bags -- so I can evaluate the product better and the results aren't skewed. I loaded a single bag for test purposes. Yes, I could have loaded all the excess pellets in my can but either way, I'm still opening more bags. Definitely not a big deal but something I noticed. Egad. It broke my routine!!