Since I hauled all these logs home. Pile is about 6' tall, 50' long. Oak, Hickory, Beech, Maple and a little Ironwood for good measure. Ive been so far ahead, and with the odd load of tree service wood during that time, I haven't had to touch it. Well, Ive finally gotten all the oddball, tree service wood out of the way and its time to make sawdust... The table is loaded with the last of stuff that needs to be noodled or resized to 16"..... This stack is 4 logs that I put on the table and cut this past weekend to run some fuel through a new 592, for fun. We're looking forward to processing these logs. Centers are still holding 38-45% moisture. Some are a little punky in the sapwood. But for the most part, it all looks good.
Glad you posted the MC of them. I was just shooting the breeze with someone about the fact that logs sitting for a year or so shouldn't be sold freshly split as seasoned firewood. Also interested in what you think of the five nine two.
Ive only put 1.5 tanks through it using a 20" bar with skip chain... It did make me worry a little as it was chewing through that oak like it was a little soft. Ill pull a normal saw out and see how it compares in the same wood. Eventually I will run it with this 16" bar... big fan of the 16" bar.
I was genuinely curious what the internal moisture content would be. Ends of the logs were between 15 and 18%.
Nice saw and 16" bar. And the wood pile to keep yourself busy! Was your wood an arborist drop off or something else?