Small tree from yesterdays scrounge. I've seen them before. They don't get big. Im not thinking hop hornbeam as I know that is sometimes referred to as ironwood. If not what is it?
Also sometimes called hardhack. I can't tell for sure without bark, but I'm thinking no on hop hornbeam.
Looks like Musclewood, American Hornbeam, to me. It is sometimes called ironwood around here, but isnt the 'ironwood' that is often talked about this site....
I just googled it and the bark looks identical. And I can see why its called musclewood. Looks like the tree is flexing!
Here in this area would be called musclewood. Definitely not Hop Hornbeam but I have seen others mistake it for that. Has a leaf that looks similar to Beech. I like to use it for a great walking stick and if you find one big enough it makes good firewood. If there is a patch around where I am cutting I usually eliminate them all.
Looks like blue beech, also called ironwood. Ironwood is kind of a general term though, I've heard hedge, blue beech, hop hornbeam, and pacific dogwood, all called ironwood.
Around here (Indiana) that is ironwood I've never burnt it cause I've never seen a dead on or had one to take down
I recognized it as muscle wood. Have heard it called iron wood. Don't think I've ever heard anyone say hornbeam before. Could be regional. Sugar maple has three names here. lol
FWIW it's very dense wood and supposedly makes good firewood. I've never gotten any myself but I did cut some at my uncle's place a few years ago and added it to his stacks. Being in the betulaceae (birch) family it's prone to rot so I'd be particularly careful to keep it out of the weather.
I've got a bunch of it they don't get very big though. Burns good very dense. It can rot quick though if not cut up and left dead standing.
Blue beech. I have learned that regionally it is called ironwood but it is not. Musclewood is a common name because especially when it is small it resembles a muscle. It would seem that it would make great firewood. After all, it can be hard as a rock. But in my experience it is very poor firewood and it does not keep well at all. Burn within a year else it gets so punky it falls apart.
Blue Beech aka musclewood and ironwood. I made the rollers for my old log lift system out of it. Figured it’d be strong.