Didn’t know where post this so please move it if it’s in the wrong place. Does anyone else have pictures of interesting trees? What would cause trees to do this? Think a tree fell across it when it was a sapling and they grew together?
Someone vandalized the "door tree" in 2019 by cutting it down. Town next to me. Couldnt load a pic, but heres the link. Google Image Result for http://hamdenhistoricalsociety.org/images/410_2019-4-23_-_Theresa_Doherty_-_1200x1600.jpg
It is a weird one. Most likely happened when 2 trees were young and they just sort of grafted onto each other.
Trail trees? Trail trees - Wikipedia We have one in the local park downtown: Protected Indian Trail Marker Tree – Traverse City, Michigan - Atlas Obscura And this picture is on my parents property...
I was wondering why the thread has the title it does. I researched briefly and found that any supposedly trail marker tree should be around 170-190 years old minimum. For comparison, an oak tree with two foot diameter is only 150 years old.
Yea, that is what I was finding too, which makes me think the hard maple on my parents property is from storm damage. There used to be an ash that was bent the same way, about the same size, but it has long since expired with the EAB.