With this current rain and the recent warm weather, I can see my load of logs. In short order, I might be able actually start processing it, and start to get it stacked.
Good for you. We don't have much snow left after yesterday when we got into the 50's for the first time. Seems good to see bare ground.
After a week of 55 to 73 degree temps (63 here now,75 tomorrow & Monday) the snow is finally gone pretty much everywhere around here.All that remains is a few huge piles in several parking lots,those can last well into April unless we get 2-3 days of heavy rain also..
We still have a couple of feet that needs melting! Not going to see the ground for a long time yet! It is in the 40s and raining today but still gets cold overnight and we have some freezing rain and snow in the forecast for tomorrow...
Good for you! Hope you can get at it soon. Bare ground only where I plow the yard here - plenty of snow otherwise......will be nice to see it go - been long enough! Cheers!
Now I need to start looking hard for a 4-wheeler to tow the splits from the front yard up into the backyard to be stacked. Normally we use my dad's truck, but there is no way his 4X2 Tundra will make it up the hill with wet as is and will be for a longtime. Need those splits moved to the backyard so that I can order a new load of logs.
Hopefully not much more than say 2500. Would prefer to come in around 1500. I realize this would be an older model.
Last year I was processing at this time, we had less snow than this year and the ground was clear in the middle of March. I'm thinking it's gonna be early April before I can get out there to cut safe. Glad you are able to start the process with good conditions. Cut away !
If you can find one, the Kawasaki bayou 300's are bullet proof, and go for less than the used Hondas do.