As many may know I recently acquired a DHT 22 ton log splitter. It was last year's model of the big box store version of the splitter. Details are here: 20 to 25 ton log splitters... I had some small rounds in the truck. I wanted to try rolling them from the truck onto the splitter, then stacking them directly as I split them. The manual suggests not using the splitter in the horizontal mode without a log catcher. As splits fall they may hit and damage the engine &/or hydraulics. I went to the box store to get the catcher. Luckily the garden shop worker I spoke to knew that the log catcher for the current version is not compatible with my splitter. He also did not have any old ones in stock. Neither did his warehouse. He can have one ordered directly from the manufacturer but that would take a while to get here. I had 2 choices, either empty the truck and wait or figure something else out. When I brought the splitter home it was not yet assembled and was still on it's steel pallet. The store did not want the pallet back so I had raw materials. Below is the result of letting me play... This is 1/3 of the pallet with a couple of cross-members from the other side moved to fill up some gaps. the upright with the rectangle on top has a cutout where the axle was strapped. The 4 support struts I added underneath go to the 4 pre-drilled holes in the splitter beam that were for the factory catcher. Tried it out and it does it's job. As with the factory one it can easily be removed by loosening 4 nuts holding it to the beam. KaptJaq