Hey guys and gals!! Just wondering who of you might stack your wood in a holz hausen (German for wood house). This is my first attempt.....looks pretty good, I think!!
Yeah, I am definitely running out of space for wood. I even have about 1 1/2 chords of wood at my parents house a couple blocks away. This last picture is actually 3 rows of wood....all sugar maple and ash. It's in my garage.
Ok.....I was wrong. That is not ash. After splitting it this afternoon, I figured out that that is ELM! Stringy, tough splitting, typical Elm
I built one , not sure I would do it again. damm chipmunks thought it was a Ramada Inn. However it was great for all the shorts and ugly chunks inside it.
Looking good! Does anyone have an idea of how to measure the cordage? There's the diameter, height, and taper to consider.