I finally was able to cut this week The rain stopped a couple of day's It's back now lol Dropped this box elder for my sister. must have been several gallons of blood looking Water inside. My 372 sunk into it No resistance i knew it was hollow She's making flower planters out of the rounds lol
Yikes! Man those box elder can get ugly. I took down 4 of them at my parents new cottage last summer cause they were starting to turn. None of them were hollow yet thankfully - sounded them out with an axe first to check. Nice work!
Late bil planted it in the 70s early 80s They'll make nice planters. Neighbor's wanted the fire wood lol No good for that
Here's a heart rot hickory i dropped last summer. It was a pain i finally got it down close to where i was aiming lol Lot of good wood in it.
If I think it might be hollow, I like to use a shallow notch, that way you can keep some hinge in the sapwood where it’s still good. If you bore in to your back cut, you can also get a really good idea about how much hinge you’ve got to work with. And you can still decide at that point not to cut and just let nature take its course. But I’d love me some hickory. I’d cut that.
Had another hollow tree Just the base the rest was good. As soon as i fire a saw up the cattle come Running wanting the leaves.
Inside of tree no good? I’m just not familiar with box elder other than how most on here say its in the maple family. Nice cut though!
Sure glad that tree wasn't Black Cherry. My neighbor lost 2 dairy cows when they ate the leaves of a storm downed black cherry in his pasture. Vet confirmed at certain wilted stages the leaves were toxic to bovines.