My wood hoarding get me all love in the winter from my wife but when its not below 30 Its all about how you got wood here and you got wood there but bam it goes below 30 and Im the King Yall got any storys like this?
Similar problem here.. With my wife it's the chainsaws, wood stacks, and pellet piles! But come winter? I don't hear any complaints when the whole house is warm
Same here she doesn't like paying more to the electric co for heat so wood is our only heat. As long as I keep the wood away from her flower beds all is well
I am always hearing about something I'm doing. If it's not wood piles it's tearing up the grass or making a mess in the garage. Can't get the car in for me and the kids toys. Oh well. Whereas I'm real laid back bout stuff she balances the relationship out.
My wife is fairly supportive during the non burning season but gets into it once the wood heat is needed. Its cool for her when its less than 75 inside.
My wife thought burning firewood was stupid and that I was nuts. Until a couple we know ( "preppies" who are trying to prepare for the coming apocolypse) told her that we have an awesome stove and wood collection. Now she appreciates it and even helps stack sometimes. Go figure. LOL.