8-12" of snow predicted here, which isn't the snow to end all snow's. However a stiff East wind is predicted which really makes things difficult. This will be heavy snow that drifts in the opposite direction that we're setup for. Then the real cold comes in right behind. Got about 5 cord of wood a few steps from the boiler & the plow is ready. Gonna be a good test of my new heating setup. Let er fly! Post your pics & snowfall totals if you like.
I envy you the snow. Looks like you are prepared though! When your wood pile and cellar are full, it is pleasant to expect hard times! Like you say "Let er fly"!
That much snow would paralyzed us in Kentucky for at least a week! Stay warm and safe. Remember or it's just another sunny day at the beach!
Looks like you're gonna miss out on most of this one. Only gripe I have is the east wind. Saying around here is " If the wind be from the east, tis fit for neither man nor beast". That's usually pretty accurate in the winter. We'll see.
Yes not much but bitter cold expected here. I always know when there is precipitation expected and the smoke blows to the west or east wind as you say, we are in for it. Stay safe up there brother.
Yeah, we'll see how much we get here, buy I'm right in the bullseye for the over a foot of snow range.
We're not getting any snow. Supposed to get 72 hours of stupid cold though. Can't wait to see how the new boiler handles it....guessing piece of cake.
Yeah, they say it will start around midnight here. Snow rates of 2" per hour are predicted for us. Plus we have the lake effect snow as an added possibility where I live.
I am right where that 14" mark is on that map! We will see what we get. The cold to follow might be the coldest on record for us!
Thank you! I'm pretty well prepared, I work & live in the same place, so no commute. I spent 25 years out plowing in storms like these & learned to hate them. I called off my employees for tomorrow. I don't get too worried about snow, but these storms have a way of mucking things up. Most stuff is already closed for tomorrow & I think that's reasonable given predicted winds & drifting. Roads get dangerous in those conditions. I've got 3 4X4 trucks, 2 tractors & various other equipment, & I'll sit tight till it lets up. Worst issue here is snow drifting on to a lean too roof with "backwards" wind that I may have to clear off. Gonna head to bed & see what it looks like at 0530.
I was supposed to travel about an hour north to the Appleton area and be there by 9 am. Don't know if I should bother. Once the mind is made up its hard to change at times.
It started in here. They are saying 6-10" for the greater Mpls area. Then lows of -27f by Tuesday and -26f Wednesday morning. We'll see. Heading out across the lake to the dark house at first light to try my luck spearing. There are going to be some big drifts out there. Luckily we have over 20" of ice so I can keep a little speed in the truck to bust through the drifting. I will have a shovel as well along!
Same here I expect we will get far less. I am liking the snow mind you. The only thing is, it's not snowing at all here yet and given the prediction that means we are going to get a foot plus in 6 hours.
I am all set. Went out to the garage ... Tuned up the snowblower... plugged in the extension cord, pulled up on the lever and .... Well it's electric. It just goes wirrrrr. Job done.
Uh boy. Threat tracker! Run for cover! Burn your furniture! Hoard gas! Gah! I thought for a moment that I was watching fox News trying to terrify my parents ...nope it's the local news.