I see a piece of red maple, the smooth bark. The deeply furrowed bark, I’m not sure. Wood doesn’t look like ash.
I agree the first pic log in middle of pic is Red Maple. Last pic, log on bottom looks like either Butternut or Black Walnut. Is the heartwood really dark?
The 2nd and 3rd pics are same pieces, all in my truck. The 1st pic, log in the middle and the 4th pic, log at bottom (and actually the one above it), to me, appear to be the same tree. I provided the 4th pic because it has a distinctive bark pattern. (I am not positive, but, again, I thought all 4 pics are actually the same tree. The distinctive bark pattern in pic 4 is a bit confusing. It resembles something I have seen before; maybe black gum? Black gum has kind of an alligator hide look to it.) When I first saw the logs, I immediately thought red maple. I am going to get a cross section pic of the log in pic 1 and pic 4. I will also split some of this and see how it splits. Maple is easy.
Hmm, I was going to say some sort of Cottonwood or Poplar variety? I haven't been very good at this game lately unless its Mulberry or Walnut (those are easy).
Looks like elm to me. There is a lot of elm hate on here. I burn about 2 cords of elm a year. I love it.
This could be too. Basswood, cottonwood and poplar all have a way of trying to look like something that's better.
I know. I think we need to start an elm support group. "Elmaholics anonymous" Lol. I know who won't be a member.
The good news is you’ll know within two seconds of splitting as to whether it’s Elm or not. The bad news is it may be Elm
Could be elm?? It is not red elm from the color of the wood. My grandpa back in the 30's-40's made row boats in the winter when farming was slow to make a little extra money. A couple of the boat parts were made of pizz elm based on his notes on the forms left from that time. I spent many years trying to find some "pizz elm" until a few weeks ago. I cut down a large very dead elm where the wood was very red so I looked around a bit on the internet and discovered that pizz elm is slippery elm is red elm. I burn a lot of elm and never noticed the color of the wood before this. They are very distinct in color and from the sound of it---smell.