I'm starting to look for a trailer to haul logs to a local log yard (probably 15 miles away). I can't justify a $5000 dump trailer so that's out. So thinking along the lines of a car hauler or deckover trailer in the 16' range. I have a grapple on my tractor so loading logs isn't a problem, the logging yard will unload me. Definitely need a tandem axle with electric brakes, probably in the 7,000-10,000 lbs range. I will be towing with a full size half ton truck. Looking for members that might sell some logs on a small scale from time to time and any pro's and con's of the methods used. Thanks for any input. Mods if this is in the wrong place please move.
Look for solid used ones that might need some repair . I bought a really nice used 10 ton 22' deck over tilt a year ago for $1800. Wood deck was rotten and guy didn't want to redeck it. Had 8 almost new tires/rims and brakes. Stole it!!!!
Could do like many farmers around here. Make a wagon hauler out of an old hay wagon. Remove the bed; strip it down to the frame. Easy to load and unload. Most don't put electric brakes on them but simply haul them behind a truck but at a low speed. The one in the picture was made from an old gravity box wagon. About one more log is the max for this load. He hauled this load 15 miles to the mill. No problem except it took a bit of time at 20 mph; both loaded and unloaded.
Thanks I have a few running gears now that I haul logs to my Amish neighbours for sawing into lumber. They won't hold enough logs to go 15 miles to the logging yard. Also would be way to slow.
Along the idea of JustWood , although this is too much trailer for your truck, it gives an idea of what can be found. As Backwoods Savage notes, the deck isn’t necessary. 22-foot flat bed trailer - tiny house?
The nice thing about using something like a car trailer is it will provide a dual purpose for you. I have a car trailer and have hauled many a car and truck, culverts, logs, power poles, cement mixer, tractors, and implements.
Yup, with a half-ton truck you are in direct competition for a good priced trailer with everyone and their brother. The bigger equipment goes cheaper because fewer can make use of it. I like the deck-over idea when thinking of the mill unloading it. Odds are fenders would have a hard life.
I have a small lower deck trailer between the wheel wells. . I had some 4"x12" white pine custom sawed . I cut them to the right length and fabed up some C channel brackets that bolt to the ends of the 4x12 and slide into stake pockets. This raises the platform up above wheel wells to haul wide and long stuff that needs mechanical loading/unloading. Works pretty slick and a cheap fix. The white pine is strong and light when dry. I even lagged some barn door handles to them so they are easy to grab ahold of.
You could check around for an old livestock trailer and strip it down. What part of northern NY are you from?
Just Wood sounds like a great idea, sorta turns your trailer into a deckover trailer. I don't think loading logs will be much of a problem as I tend to baby my equipment. Getting unloaded at the log yard maybe another story.
I have a Humvee trailer that has a brake hung up I would sell for $600. I live in Syracuse, but grew up in the Canton Potsdam area. Nice trailer, suspension, parking brakes, surge brakes.
my apologies. I totally thought you were looking for a wood hauler, not a log hauler. I just read this again and realized my trailer would be way too small. If you need a wood hauler, let me know.
No problem, but those military trailers are beasts. I sold mine this summer as I won't be needing the amount of wood I used to burn in my owb.